Source: Lang Technovation

Stamping Technology for Workholding


The stamping technology is considered today’s benchmark in workholding due to its profitable influences on the clamping process in the five-sided machining of blanks.

During the pre-stamping process (which takes only five seconds) the raw material is provided with a defined contour and then held by a form-fit effect in the serrated clamping jaws of the five-axis vise.


  • Introduction to stamping
  • Why does Lang choose to stamp parts?
  • Advantages
  • Process walk-through
  • Stamping round stock

Presenter 1:

Jon Dobosenski

General Manager

With many years in the machine tool industry, Jon has been fortunate to have enjoyed visiting many different machine shops across North America and been able to see the creativity and pride these shops demonstrate each and every day. His machine tool background started as a service engineer and then moved into applications, operations and management.

Presenter 2:

Brian Butler

Regional Sales Manager

With 13 years in the machine tool industry, Brian lends this experience to workholding solutions. His experience ranges from the design and R&D aspects of the product to the process engineering and machine set up, as well as the G and M code programming at the machine. This also includes the final inspection of each product to the final assembly, along with sales, customer service, installation and follow-up after sales.

All content on this page is provided by the presenting company.

Gardner Business Media - Strategic Business Solutions