A Visionary Founder
Time passes, conditions change, the world progresses – and those who are found keeping pace with the new order of things are those who are young enough in mind and spirit to recognize the value of the new and to make themselves a part of it.
- DON G. GARDNER, Founder, Gardner Business Media, June 1928
Don Gardner included those words in the first issue of Modern Machine Shop and they guide us to this day. He saw a unique need for a magazine focused on the changes, challenges and technology needs of manufacturing job shops and plants of all sizes as he traveled the country selling for Iron Age Magazine. He created a product that filled that need. Gardner continues to keep a keen eye on filling the needs of our readers. As new media emerges, we are quick to evaluate it and apply the value of the media to our content and audiences. The same goes for new manufacturing technology – we spot the trends and information plants and shops need to expand and grow and use our media megaphone to share them.