
Creating The WOW Experience

Do you want a WOW experience from the brands and vendors you do business with? Of course, that’s a rhetorical question. Everyone wants it. But is it reasonable to expect that you can deliver a consistent WOW experience? It depends on your definition of WOW.


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Here are five powerful takeaways from a conversation on Amazing Business Radio with Paula Courtney, CEO of The Verde Group, a global market research consultancy specializing in helping businesses improve customer retention and loyalty, and Shep Hyken, Chief Amazement Officer of Shepard Presentations who helps organizations create amazing customer and employee experiences. Recently, The Verde Group, together with Wharton’s Baker Retailing Center, conducted a study on the payoff of delivering WOW experiences, which prompted Shep to invite Paula to be interviewed on Amazing Business Radio to find out more about her take on WOW. Read more


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