
Mistakes to Avoid When Crafting a Marketing Plan

Building a solid marketing plan takes time and hard work, but it's necessary. But even with a plan, there are a number of things that can be overlooked as a team puts together a project. To help isolate some of the missteps to watch out for, members of Forbes Agency Council talk about some issues that can arise and discuss how to best deal with those situations.


Building a solid marketing plan takes time and hard work, but it's necessary: Without a good idea of where you want to go — and how you want to get there — a company can waste a lot of time and resources trying a dozen different directions before hitting on the right path forward. But even with a plan, there are a number of things that can be overlooked as a team puts together a project, especially when they're first starting out. To help isolate some of the missteps to watch out for as you get started, members of Forbes Agency Council talk about some of the more common issues that can arise with business plans, as well as discuss how to best deal with those situations. Here's what they said. Read more


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