
Put the Human Touch Back into B2B Marketing

The marketing sector can be a complicated place as new marketing tools and techniques are launched, almost on a weekly basis. Powered by The Drum Network, this content invites The Drum Network’s members to demystify the marketing trade and offer expert insight and opinion on what is happening in the marketing industry today that can help your business tomorrow.


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If there's one thing we learned in 2019, it's that in a connected future success will lie in engaging with our customers on a far deeper level. We saw how ‘data-driven’ is nothing without creativity. We heard how personalization is more than just a name in a subject line. We found that the gap between B2B and B2C isn’t as wide as you’d think. More than anything though, we’ve discovered that people are people, whether they’re consumers or B2B buyers. Here are our top five insights to take you into 2020. Read more


  • Search Visibility: Get Your Content Noticed Online with This One Tactic

    Discover how to generate more leads by including researched, relevant keywords in your content to attract interested prospects who are looking for you online.

  • Marketing Messages That Cut Through The Noise

    We’ve talked about customer journeys, emotional intelligence, and finding and retaining customers. You’ve tuned up your marketing messages. Now it’s time to decide where to place them, so customers tune in. In a world with endless channels of information, how do you become a source of knowledge — not noise? One step at a time.

  • 5 Tips for Making Print Advertising More Measurable

    Print advertising can still be extremely valuable, especially in the manufacturing sector. Learn how to integrate your print advertising in trade publications with your digital campaigns to make them more measurable and improve your ROI.

Gardner Business Media - Strategic Business Solutions