
Real Durable Goods Orders Highest Since July '14

And, the annual rate of change grew for the first time since June 2015.


(Positive) Real durable goods new orders in June 2017 were $267,198 million. This was the highest level of real new orders since July 2014. Compared with one year ago, durable goods new orders grew 13.9 percent. This was the fastest rate of month-over-month growth since July 2014 too. This was the fifth month of growth in the last six months. In three of the last four months, the growth rate was 5.1 percent or faster. The annual rate of change grew 1.4 percent, which was the the first month of annual growth since June 2015. 

Motor vehicle and parts orders increased 3.2 percent compared with one year ago. That was the third month of growth in the last four months. Annually, orders contracted for the fifth consecutive month, but June's contraction was the slowest of those five months.

Aerospace orders increased 159 percent in June compared with one year ago. The increase was caused by the large European air show. However, June was the third month of growth in the last five. And, the annual rate of contraction slowed to 4.5 percent, which was the first time it was in single digits orders began contracting in July 2015. 

Accelerating Growth: construction materials, durable goods, fabricated metal products, HVAC, primary metals, ship/boat building, total capital goods

Decelerating Growth: electronics/computers/electronics

Decelerating Contraction: machinery/equipment, motor vehicle/parts, oil/gas-field/mining machinery, off-road/construction machinery, power generation 

Accelerating Contraction: aerospace, appliances

Gardner Business Media - Strategic Business Solutions