4-Step Marketing Budget Process That Will Let You Win
The marketing budget. You have it in hand, you look at it, and you think one of a few things. If you’re lucky, you might be saying, “WOW! I have so much extra budget this year – what can I do with it?” If you’re not, you might be saying “HOW can I deliver results like this year’s if I don’t have as much money to spend?” Either way, you’re looking at a challenge: how can you make sure you split up that marketing budget so that you – and your company – win? Here’s how to set up a successful marketing budget.
Sure, it’s the end of 2019 and you’re looking forward and are ready to allocate funds. It’s great to have a marketing plan and spending roadmap – but don’t forget to stay flexible. In a world of algorithm updates, buying processes that get more complex every day, and emerging new technology, locking yourself in could hurt you in the long run. Stay flexible, stay goal-oriented, and get ready to win in 2020. Read more
Finding Opportunities in the Chaos
2020 has been a disruptive year, but one that will likely contribute to greater 3D printing adoption and more sustainable manufacturing. Stephanie Hendrixson, Senior Editor for Additive Manufacturing and Co-Host of The Cool Parts Show, writes about accelerating trends in AM and staying flexible in the face of a pandemic.
"Made in the USA" Podcast: Show for This Moment in U.S. Manufacturing
“Made in the USA,” is a six-part documentary-style podcast series that strives to uncover the hidden history of how manufacturing in the United States arrived at its current state and lays out where it can go from here.
3 Major Trends in Manufacturing (And They All Begin with “A”)
Peter Zelinski, Editor-in-Chief of Additive Manufacturing and Modern Machine Shop, sees 3 big, major, long-term trends that continue to reshape manufacturing.