
Top 3 Landing Page Tips That Convert

Creating landing pages should not be a guessing game. Believe it or not, there are data-proven strategies that will make your landing pages convert better than ever. That’s not to say there aren’t hundreds of variables, and because of that many people can get confused over what’s really important in building a high-performance landing page.


By Josh Harris
Web Design Director
Avalanche Internet Marketing

Creating landing pages should not be a guessing game. Believe it or not, there are data-proven strategies that will make your landing pages convert better than ever. That’s not to say there aren’t hundreds of variables, and because of that many people can get confused over what’s really important in building a high-performance landing page.

Keeping it simple is great advice. Remember, while building your page keep one goal in mind: your conversion objective. Everything on the page should guide the visitor exactly to take the action you want.
Use these 3 tips to help your landing page convert like never before …
  1. First Impression is Everything

    Like almost everything in marketing for business, appearance is crucial, and landing pages are certainly no different. Most visitors take only a few seconds to make the decision to see what you’re offering or leave. They either trust you right away, or they don’t. Highlight your brand’s selling point and grab visitor attention through your landing page’s design. However, don’t forget that what you really want is conversions, not just an attractive design. So be sure visitors’ eyes are guided towards your main point for the page.
  2. Long and Complex Forms Mean Lost Business

    We’ve all seen it … a long tedious online form we are required to fill out to get to a second page. Don’t fall into the trap of “needing” too many fields in your form. At the sight of a long form, most visitors will be scared and leave. You have eroded trust. So, keep forms as simple as possible; never ask for details that you don’t absolutely need. Be clever with analytics and marketing automation tools to get more data on your leads, like their company IP address and keywords they used to find your page.
  3. Call to Action – Clarity Rules (Make your call to action stand out)

    Having a call to action on each and every landing page is crucial. This should be the focus or goal of creating the page in the first place.

    A clear, easily understood, call to action is a proven way to maximize your landing page conversion. For every piece of personal information you ask for, make it totally clear and reasonable why you are asking for it. Often, you will find that longer more descriptive headlines will both grab your visitor’s attention and create more trust. More information, as long as it’s quickly understood, can help visitors feel at ease in knowing what they are getting into.

    Use these tips to start creating effective landing pages, convert visitors to action, and make your online marketing more profitable.
Need more information?
Josh Harris
Avalanche Internet Marketing
Web Design Director
WSI B2B Marketing

Gardner Business Media - Strategic Business Solutions