Use These 5 Steps to Create a Marketing Plan
A marketing plan focuses on winning and keeping customers; it's strategic and includes numbers, facts and objectives. It spells out all the tools and tactics you’ll use to achieve your sales goals. It’s your plan of action -- what you’ll sell, who'll want to buy it and the tactics you’ll use to generate leads that result in sales. It doesn’t have to be lengthy or beautifully written. Here’s a closer look at creating a marketing plan that works.
Measuring Customer Loyalty Regarding Brand and Insistence
An approach that seems to help understand customer behavior regarding brand loyalty and insistence is the work done by experts who look at customer brand involvement as a combination of involvement and emotional content. An understanding of customer behavior finds that insistence for brands will vary based on either the brand's personality or the brand's reflection of the buyer's personality. There is an important distinction between identification with a brand and a belief that the brand identifies with you.
In B2B Market Research, It’s About Quality, Not Quantity
Online market research tools offer a cost-effective way to gain insight into smaller B2B customer bases. In Part 1 of this 3-part blog, we covered the strategic underpinnings of market research for SMBs; the what and why. In part #2, we get down to the hows. Specifically, online survey best practices. Simple, well-defined questions can be deployed on a DIY basis. If more complex, a hybrid of DIY and professional assistance might be in order.
3 Major Trends in Manufacturing (And They All Begin with “A”)
Peter Zelinski, Editor-in-Chief of Additive Manufacturing and Modern Machine Shop, sees 3 big, major, long-term trends that continue to reshape manufacturing.