Video’s Next Revolution in Content Marketing
Video’s next revolution will likely center on personalization. Read on for a brief tutorial, along with tips, examples and ideas on how to put these advantages to work in your content campaigns.

As media evolves from a mass to micro focus, so too have the audience’s expectations of personal relevance and value. Brands increasingly realize one-size-fits-all video content is no longer enough to gain attention, let alone compel people to act on what they’re watching. That’s why video’s next revolution will likely center on personalization. Here’s a brief tutorial, along with tips, examples, and ideas on how to put these advantages to work in your content campaigns. Read more
Finding Opportunities in the Chaos
2020 has been a disruptive year, but one that will likely contribute to greater 3D printing adoption and more sustainable manufacturing. Stephanie Hendrixson, Senior Editor for Additive Manufacturing and Co-Host of The Cool Parts Show, writes about accelerating trends in AM and staying flexible in the face of a pandemic.
"Made in the USA" Podcast: Show for This Moment in U.S. Manufacturing
“Made in the USA,” is a six-part documentary-style podcast series that strives to uncover the hidden history of how manufacturing in the United States arrived at its current state and lays out where it can go from here.
26 Relevant Print Marketing Statistics: 2022 Ad Spending & Impact
Print marketing is not dead. Its impact on consumer brand recall and purchase decision is worth considering, especially if you want to implement an integrated, multi-channel approach to your marketing strategy. This article on marketing trends and predictions can provide more insights on strategies you can use for your business or marketing clients.