
What B2B Sales Prospects Want to See from Your Website

As you walk through the customer’s journey through your website, you should ask yourself: “is this page/landing page/pop-up window/website feature making it easier to convert people into customers?” Here are tips to make your website more sales-focused, based on the most important elements that your prospects want to see.


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Your website should be so well designed and well written that it makes it easy for every potential customer to buy from you, and it should increase the odds of converting every prospect visiting the site. The question you should ask as you walk through the customer’s journey through your website: “is this page/landing page/pop-up window/website feature making it harder or easier to convert people into customers?” Here are a few tips for how to re-think your website to make it more sales-focused, based on the most important elements that your prospects want to see. Read more


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