Mini Teases Upcoming EV
BMW AG’s Mini unit has released the first design sketches of the all-electric car it plans to launch next year.
Rivian Gets Even More Money, Now From Ford
The electrification of automotive is serious business. This week it was announced that Ford is making a $500-million equity investment in Rivian.
2019 Honda Insight
One of the things that rarely gets the amount of attention that it should in a typical “car review” is the fact that for a considerable amount of time drivers are not “getting on the throttle” because for a considerable number of drivers, they’re “dwelling on the binders,” a.k.a., sitting with their foot depressed on the brakes, perhaps lifting every now and then in order to nudge forward in traffic.
Ford Going Fast
Ford estimates that SUV sales could be half of all retail sales in the U.S. by 2020.