
9 Web Design Trends That Will Change the Way You Interact Online This Year

Meta Description: Making predictions about web design trends is not an exact science, but neither is design itself. 2017 saw a number of web design trends. As we recalibrate on what is important, it’s fascinating to ponder which trends will carry on, which will fizzle out, and what new design approaches will take the online world by storm. Here are 9 web design trends that the author believes will be popular.


Making predictions about web design trends is not an exact science, but neither is design itself. 2017 saw a number of web design trends. As we recalibrate on what is important, it’s fascinating to ponder which trends will carry on, which will fizzle out, and what new design approaches will take the online world by storm. Here are 9 web design trends that the author believes will be popular. Read more


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