Analyze 6 Elements to Land Better Conversion Rates
It’s impossible to predict what is going to work best on an email, landing page, or website. Thus, the need for A/B testing.” This presentation covers each of six areas in detail to test in every email and landing page.

Chris Dayley, owner of SmartCRO, says, “I’ve run over 1,000 A/B tests. And one thing that has become glaringly obvious to me is that it’s impossible to predict what is going to work best on an email, landing page, or website. Thus, the need for A/B testing.” He offers six things to test in every email and landing page: value proposition, call to action, content, diversions, anxiety, and responsiveness. This presentation covers each of those six areas in detail. Read more
Guide to Generate Leads with Your Content Marketing
With a solid content marketing strategy and these steps in place, your content marketing campaigns will generate leads online like a well-oiled machine.
I’m A Puzzle Guy
Looking back, Mark Albert now recognizes that some of his most satisfying moments as an editor revolved around the puzzle-solving aspects of writing an article. Putting an article together was much like the process of solving a puzzle, assembling a model kit, figuring out how to make something work or fixing it if it didn’t.
Embracing Career Change
After 16.3 years, Derek Korn had become Modern Machine Shop’s Executive Editor, Technical Director of the brand’s Top Shops benchmarking program and creator of the annual Editors’ Walking Club. His plan was to continue with the magazine until retirement. But the editor-in-chief of sister publication Production Machining announced that he was retiring. The company asked if Derek would be open to moving to Production Machining. For him, it was a matter of choosing comfort with a brand he was familiar with or changing to lead a new one. He not only chose to change, but to embrace it.