
Brand Salience, Positioning, and Meaning: Key Concept to Help Brands Stand Out from the Crowd

So how do brands put salience, positioning, and meaning together? The way to meet these expectations is to produce quality, relevant, engaging content. If brands can create regular content that genuinely uplifts the audience and addresses their needs, they can stand out (salience), stake out a position (positioning), and communicate their brand story (meaning). That’s how to stand out from the crowd.


So how do brands put salience, positioning, and meaning together? The way to meet these expectations is to produce quality, relevant, engaging content. If brands can create regular content that genuinely uplifts the audience and addresses their needs, they can stand out (salience), stake out a position (positioning), and communicate their brand story (meaning). That’s how to stand out from the crowd. Read more


  • Understanding Brand Affinity

    An approach that seems to help understand customer behavior regarding brand loyalty and insistence is the work done by experts who look at customer brand involvement as a combination of involvement and emotional content. An understanding of customer behavior finds that insistence for brands will vary based on either the brand's personality or the brand's reflection of the buyer's personality. There is an important distinction between identification with a brand and a belief that the brand identifies with you.

  • Measuring Customer Loyalty Regarding Brand and Insistence

    An approach that seems to help understand customer behavior regarding brand loyalty and insistence is the work done by experts who look at customer brand involvement as a combination of involvement and emotional content. An understanding of customer behavior finds that insistence for brands will vary based on either the brand's personality or the brand's reflection of the buyer's personality. There is an important distinction between identification with a brand and a belief that the brand identifies with you.

  • Brand Loyalty Is a Key to B2B Success

    Spoiler Alert: Brand loyalty isn’t much different from Mom at the grocery store . . . and getting closer by the day. Brand loyalty is the backbone of B2B marketing and a key to B2B success. Here are thoughts on the value of B2B brand loyalty and how to build it today.

Gardner Business Media - Strategic Business Solutions