
Effectively Optimize Your Website in a Tiny Niche

When dealing with a small niche, branch out beyond keywords. You don’t need an arsenal of tools. It’s not about the volume, but about the bottom line.


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When dealing with a small niche, it’s important to branch out beyond keywords. You need to dominate the topics around your niche. Your brand needs to be associated with the broad subset of queries that are relevant to your product or service. A lack of data doesn’t mean that you can’t optimize for search engines. Many of us have become so dependent upon our arsenal of tools that we forget you don’t need those tools to successfully optimize your site for the major search engines. Don’t get me wrong – the tools make life much easier. But it’s important to remember that most of the data we have is an estimate – not an exact number. Remember, it’s not about the volume – but about the bottom line. Read more


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