How Live Demos and Group Chat Impact Your Virtual Event
By incorporating live demonstrations and group chat, your audience will walk away feeling satisfied with their overall experience. Here are some examples of how live demos and group chat can increase connectivity during your virtual event.
Get the Most from Pre-During-Post Trade Show Exhibiting
Trade show exhibit managers may increase their role in their company by implementing industry proven changes and managing their entire trade show program.
Ways to Attract Trade Show Attendees to Your Booth
Use a careful approach to determine what attracts your target audience to your trade show booth. Stay yourself, stay on brand and stay on message. It’s easier than you think if you’ve done some self-reflection and understand your brand, products or services.
Navigating Turbulence: Marketing a New Trade Show Amidst COVID-19
Chris Saulnier, marketing manager for Plastics Technology and the Plastics Technology Expo (PTXPO), writes about the challenges and opportunities of marketing a new trade show during the COVID-19 pandemic.