
Marketing Messages That Cut Through The Noise

We’ve talked about customer journeys, emotional intelligence, and finding and retaining customers. You’ve tuned up your marketing messages. Now it’s time to decide where to place them, so customers tune in. In a world with endless channels of information, how do you become a source of knowledge — not noise? One step at a time.


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Ever find yourself watching TV while surfing social media and responding to text messages? Us too. While we wait for that app to help us avoid chronic over stimulation, let’s take a moment and think about how we can cut through the excessive noise with our marketing messages.

We’ve talked about customer journeys, emotional intelligence, and finding and retaining customers. You’ve tuned up your marketing messages. Now it’s time to decide where to place them, so customers tune in.

In a world with endless channels of information, how do you become a source of knowledge — not noise? One step at a time.

Step 1. Use different channels. There is no lack of channels to broadcast your message. Radio, TV, print, podcasts, websites, apps, social media — pick your poison — or your antidote. Focusing on one channel is not the answer though. You must use different mediums to reach different customers. Your first job is to determine where your most valuable customers consume media. Start there.

You should also consider new tools. The gurus behind IMTS designed IMTS spark to meet the challenges of 2020 and beyond. IMTS spark is a unique platform that provides networking, sales, and learning opportunities in one place. While spark is winding down in March, the original content will still be available on Get started with this new channel today.

Step 2. Diversify your message. One size never fits all. Don’t put the same message on every channel. Different channels require different messages. Take the time to diversify and customize your message. Think about how consumers use the medium in question and what they want — whether that’s in-depth information or sound bites.

Step 3. Leverage data. Businesses use data to make decisions. YOU use data to make decisions. Your customers are no different. Give them access to data they can use. Use data to show how your solution can increase efficiency or boost output. On social media in particular, use customer demographics to pinpoint your message.

Step 4. But not too much. More is not always more when it comes to data. Just because you have loads of information, doesn’t mean you should share it all. Don’t say EVERYTHING. And avoid spreadsheets! No one needs — or wants — reams of numbers. Data in marketing should be a teaser, meant to move prospects to the next step, whether that’s contacting a salesperson or visiting your website.

Step 5. Get creative (and specific). Remember all that noise? Cut through it by incorporating shock and awe into your marketing. Think like a designer and come up with ideas that will make your customers pause for just a second and pay attention. Whether it’s a powerful picture or an awesome tagline, you have to have a hook. Once you grab attention, make sure you take advantage of it quickly. Don’t leave your customers hanging. Be clear about their next step. Should they sign up for something, watch a video, call a salesperson, or visit a website? Be specific.

Step 6. Go viral. Make your messaging worth sharing. You caught one set of eyes, now multiply them. Make your message something that customers want to share. Word of mouth referrals are the most valuable source for successful marketing. Give them something to talk about.

Tune up your message and get more customers to tune in. Get started and find ideas at

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Phone: 703-827-5215


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