Search Visibility: Get Your Content Noticed Online with This One Tactic
Discover how to generate more leads by including researched, relevant keywords in your content to attract interested prospects who are looking for you online.
Research shows that almost 90% of people start their buying process with an online search. With this in mind, keywords are an important content strategy to attract the attention of your prospects via online searches. However, identifying and understanding keywords can be daunting if you're not an SEO expert. In this article, the concept of keywords is simplified, and you'll learn a process for figuring out the right keywords in only 10 to 15 minutes. Read more
Why Even a Little Data Matters (And What to Do About It)
We live in a data rich environment. Even so, many companies still struggle to transform their data into meaningful and actionable insights. Driving outcomes from your data takes turning knowledge into action. Yielding insights doesn’t take as much data as you think. Here’s a personal example of how a company could use a little data to provide a better customer experience.
Increase in Technology Also Increases Communications
The speed of technology is causing ripple effects in the global manufacturing community from production all the way to market. Technology is advancing forward exponentially. As a Group Publisher, it is my duty to push the manufacturing audience with information and knowledge that will support them in their quest to be the best manufacturers they can be, using the latest delivery tools.
Marketing Messages That Cut Through The Noise
We’ve talked about customer journeys, emotional intelligence, and finding and retaining customers. You’ve tuned up your marketing messages. Now it’s time to decide where to place them, so customers tune in. In a world with endless channels of information, how do you become a source of knowledge — not noise? One step at a time.