Shocking Myths About Subject Lines
Subject lines are the most written about email marketing element — and they’re the most misunderstood. The internet is full of bad subject line advice that gets endlessly echoed until it has the ring of truth to it. Here are six myths about subject lines that you may believe are true.
Subject lines are the most written about email marketing element — and they’re the most misunderstood. The internet is full of bad subject line advice that gets endlessly echoed until it has the ring of truth to it. Here are six myths about subject lines that you may believe are true. Read more
Create Effective Show Communication for Your Hybrid Event
You may be considering a Hybrid Event, which involves a new digital experience for a select audience of exhibitors and attendees. Here are a few ways to enhance your communication to all your customers.
Create Lead Magnet Ideas That Grow Email Lists
Lead magnets is a marketing strategy that uses barter and trade principle. Data and contact information have become crucial for building an email database. Here are a few ideas on what constitutes a productive and effective lead magnet.
5 Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing Campaign
The enemy of email marketing is the full inbox. Information overload puts subscribers on the defensive and is a drag on open and click-through rates, often to the point where email campaign ROI goes underwater. Nevertheless, successful email marketing is possible. The 5 suggestions that follow will enable you to subdue the full inbox enemy, and improve results.