Six Simple Steps for Making Landing Pages a Stronger Lead Generation Tactic
Landing pages enable marketers to direct website visitors to targeted pages and capture leads at a much higher rate. Landing pages direct your visitors to one particular offer without the distractions of everything else on your website. Visitors are on a landing page for one purpose: to complete the lead capture form. Here are six ways to make your landing pages land more leads.
Landing pages enable marketers to direct website visitors to targeted pages and capture leads at a much higher rate. Landing pages direct your visitors to one particular offer without the distractions of everything else on your website. Visitors are on a landing page for one purpose: to complete the lead capture form. Here are six ways to make your landing pages land more leads. Read more
B2B Research: A Powerful Marketing Tool
The Gardner Business Media Industrial Buying Influence 2020 study findings can be used as a powerful marketing tool. The study provides demographic and psychographic details that help you better understand customers and prospects. We know knowledge is power and knowing how B2B industrial buying dynamics are changing is a key to successfully empowering your marketing.
Tools of the Trade: Maximizing Trade Show Sales – Lead Followup
You’ve scheduled the right show, the booth drew traffic and you generated leads. Now what?
How to Write a B2B Marketing Email That Works
B2B copywriter David McGuire shares four tips to help stand out in a crowded inbox. He tries to stick to these four key principles when writing emails.