
4-Step Marketing Budget Process That Will Let You Win

The marketing budget. You have it in hand, you look at it, and you think one of a few things. If you’re lucky, you might be saying, “WOW! I have so much extra budget this year – what can I do with it?” If you’re not, you might be saying “HOW can I deliver results like this year’s if I don’t have as much money to spend?” Either way, you’re looking at a challenge: how can you make sure you split up that marketing budget so that you – and your company – win in 2020? Here’s how to set up a successful marketing budget.


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Sure, it’s the end of 2019 and you’re looking forward and are ready to allocate funds. It’s great to have a marketing plan and spending roadmap – but don’t forget to stay flexible. In a world of algorithm updates, buying processes that get more complex every day, and emerging new technology, locking yourself in could hurt you in the long run. Stay flexible, stay goal-oriented, and get ready to win in 2020. Read more


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