How to Write a B2B Marketing Email That Works
B2B copywriter David McGuire shares four tips to help stand out in a crowded inbox. He tries to stick to these four key principles when writing emails.
#brandbuilding #leadgeneration
Ultimately, any set of email guidelines and best practices (yes, even these ones) will only get you so far. It’s really down to you to think about your reader, their context, and what they would really like to see landing in their inbox – so you can become someone they actually want to hear from. Read more
"Made in the USA" Podcast: Show for This Moment in U.S. Manufacturing
“Made in the USA,” is a six-part documentary-style podcast series that strives to uncover the hidden history of how manufacturing in the United States arrived at its current state and lays out where it can go from here.
Measuring Customer Loyalty Regarding Brand and Insistence
An approach that seems to help understand customer behavior regarding brand loyalty and insistence is the work done by experts who look at customer brand involvement as a combination of involvement and emotional content. An understanding of customer behavior finds that insistence for brands will vary based on either the brand's personality or the brand's reflection of the buyer's personality. There is an important distinction between identification with a brand and a belief that the brand identifies with you.
Getting Comfortable Outside of my Comfort Zone
Digital Assistant Editor Nate Fields describes his path toward working in the manufacturing industry.