The Question I Always Get Asked
How do I get the Gardner Business Index data?
We have produced the Gardner Business Index (GBI) since December 2011. And, ever since we started the index we have been asked, “How do I get access to the data?”
We are happy to announce that we now are offering subscriptions to the GBI data, including data back to December 2011.
The GBI can be used to pinpoint trends in durable goods manufacturing by:
1. Process (e.g. metalworking, composites fabricating)
2. Industry (e.g. aerospace, medical)
3. Plant size (e.g. facilities with 1-19 or 20-49 employees)
4. Region (e.g. West, Southeast)
For more on the GBI, check out the information page here on our new website –
On Headlights, Tesla's Autopilot, VW's Electric Activities and More
Seeing better when driving at night, understanding the limits of “Autopilot,” Volkswagen’s electric activities, and more.
GM: The Drive to Profitability, Part 1
General Motors released rather impressive numbers for 2015.
Fuel Economy Gains in July
What you’re looking at here is a sales-weighted fuel economy chart (the numbers in the white boxes represent miles per gallon) that was put together by two diligent researchers, Michael Sivak and Brandon Schoettle, of the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute.