The World’s Best Marketing CTA (And Why it Works so Well)
This story about the best Call To Action (CTA) shows why it works so well. Good marketing requires fearlessness. Imagine the person who shoved the idea into the spotlight. That gumption to push the crazy idea, fearless neck stuck out. It’s the thrill of when a crazy idea hurls itself off a cliff and sticks the landing.

This is a story about the best Call To Action (CTA), and why it works so well. Good marketing requires fearlessness. You have to be willing to veer left toward the bumpy road of unknown when the rest of the world is veering to the worn-smooth right. Imagine the person who shoved the idea into the spotlight. That willingness — that gumption to push the crazy idea, fearless neck stuck out. It’s the thrill of when a crazy idea hurls itself off a cliff and sticks the landing. Read more
Shifting Landscape of Technology Is a Never-Ending Education
Brent Donaldson, Senior Editor, Modern Machine Shop and Additive Manufacturing Magazine discusses how the shifting landscape of technology that all of Gardner’s writers and editors cover is a never-ending education. If we are truly doing our jobs, we will never feel like we’ve mastered them. As I continue writing and reporting for AM and MMS, it’s easy to imagine how these technologies’ interdependency will continue to grow. It also seems clear that this kind of reporting — the kind that requires editors to experience and share new manufacturing technologies and strategies — is the kind of reporting that only Gardner can produce with any depth. I’m grateful to be part of it.
Search Visibility: Get Your Content Noticed Online with This One Tactic
Discover how to generate more leads by including researched, relevant keywords in your content to attract interested prospects who are looking for you online.
Rewriting Landing Pages with a Pro Copywriter
Harry Dry, Founder of asked people on social media to “submit your company landing page” for a rewrite. He teamed up with Annie Maguire, one of the best copywriters in the business. Here you can view marketing examples of landing page rewrites that give insight into the mind of a pro copywriter.