Tips on How to Be a More Empathic Marketer
Marketers should first understand their customers intimately and how their brand can help them with the challenges they face before they do any messaging or try to tell the story of their brand. Empathy is the first part and immersion comes next. You immerse the customer in the story of how your brand can help.
Securing Career at Gardner Business Media—A Dream Come True
Eduardo Tovar, Editor-in-Chief, Modern Machine Shop Mexico discusses his dream come true of securing a job at Gardner Business Media. After hard work visiting associations, suppliers and key contacts in Mexico, a good readership was built and three key employees in sales, marketing and audience development were hired. Today, the team has 18 employees and Modern Machine Shop Mexico is the top magazine in Mexico in the metalworking and manufacturing sector.
Marketing Mistakes Could Be Fatal to Manufacturing Companies
Although the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic is hitting service and travel industries the hardest, B2B manufacturers and industrial companies are not immune. And just as human patients with underlying issues are more susceptible to the pandemic, so are B2B companies with underlying financial, organizational and marketing issues. It’s time to acknowledge the marketing issues you have and get in front of them. Turn underlying B2B marketing problems into bonafide marketing differentiators. Here are four underlying marketing issues that could prove catastrophic to B2B manufacturers.
The Art of Letting Live and Letting Go
A sense of control—over our work and personal lives—has been fleeting as the pandemic continues. Becoming a COVID-19 employee and learning to navigate my position remotely has taught me that maybe this isn’t such a bad thing.