Web Content Best Practices: Publish High-Performance Articles
There are common traits that top-performing articles share. A great piece of digital content is assembled from many little elements, words, images, tags, media and formatting. These web content best practices are broken up into three separate lists: one for SEO, one for human psychology and one for additional media.
One of the main jobs of the digital marketer is to find high-performing articles and then understand them better. There are common traits that the top performers share. When you put these traits together, you have a set of best practices for website content and content marketing. A great piece of digital content is assembled from many little elements, words, images, tags, media and formatting. These web content best practices are broken up into three separate lists: one for SEO, one for human psychology and one for additional media. Read more
Media Solutions to Provide Direct Reach to Markets Served
As Account Manager in Sales serving the industrial audience with the latest informational content regarding the ever changing trends, Maalik Bomar plans to continue forward providing the best customer service to those client professionals seeking a direct reach to their markets served.
High Quality Website Images Build Trust and Authority in Your Company and Brand
Your website does more than sell your products, services and your business — it also sells people on the reasons why they should do business with you. In a new video released by Google in January 2020, John Mueller explained how image search rankings work. The first tip was to provide high quality images. But, what is meant by “high quality?” And, why did Mueller put this tip first versus how to get “found” in image search?
Drive More Web Traffic from Social Media
These helpful social media tactics can drive more traffic to your site. If you’re consistent in your efforts, you eventually will start noticing results. How can you reap the web traffic benefit and more? Here are nine ways to help.