Why Influencer Marketing Is An Essential Part of An Optimal Marketing Mix
Influencers are trusted individuals who have the power to engage consumers and motivate their purchase decisions because of their real (or perceived) authority, expertise and elevated social status. Discover why tapping into the power of influencers should be a core part of your marketing mix and how you’re (maybe surprisingly) already engaging in it.
How Social Media Increases Brand Awareness
Social media has proven to be a key factor in creating brand awareness. This is because social media is a great platform for brands to maintain customer relationships, while also having the opportunity to be found by new leads. In fact, a lot of people learn about new brands because it was mentioned by a friend on social media. Let’s cover a few ways social media is used to build brand awareness.
Youth Movement in B2B Buyers Happening Faster Than You Think
Marketing has never been static. Times change, media consumption changes, people change. Buyer demographics have changed. In manufacturing purchases, the over-50 buyer still has considerable sway. But that’s changing. What’s important is understanding how the younger demographic use social media in buying decisions, to craft better marketing plans that get more return from online marketing investment. This content provides a broad-brush framework for thinking about, and crafting, a social media strategy, and explores “selling” a plan, with social components, to a C-Suite.
3 Things to Know Before Launching a Social Media Ad Campaign
This article provides a starting point for the new social media advertiser looking to make an impression on the manufacturing industry buyer. The author will cover the importance of defining a campaign objective, the basics of building an audience, and the best practices for crafting your message.