Why Print Matters
Print advertising is still alive and working. Printed media is staying afloat despite negative predictions and skepticism around it. Even more, in some industries, it remains the number one marketing platform. Print still bears a trust-value and quality that keeps it at the forefront.

Does print matter? Is print advertising dead? Do people still read magazines? Is print still relevant in the digital age? YES! Despite the amount of digital and online content and engagement that happens, print still bears a trust-value and quality that keeps it at the forefront.
In today’s digital world it’s easy to assume print advertising is dead. But print matters. Print advertising is still alive and working. Printed media is staying afloat despite negative predictions and skepticism around it. Even more, in some industries, it remains the number one marketing platform. If you want, proof, just read this
The Fisherman Approach to Print Advertising
Hook-less ads are a waste of money. Trade magazines with lots of information-hungry readers represent oceans of possibilities. You just need to know which bait to use. Here are some ideas to stop readers and reel them in.
Buying B2B Print and Digital Advertising. A Common-Sense Primer.
Buying B2B advertising may not be your full-time job, so here are tips to help do it better.
Using Print Ads to Drive Traffic Online
The numbers show that print advertising is still one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your website. A well-integrated marketing plan that includes print advertising is one of the best ways to ensure you will get plenty of visitors each month to your business website.