Why Print Matters
Print advertising is still alive and working. Printed media is staying afloat despite negative predictions and skepticism around it. Even more, in some industries, it remains the number one marketing platform. Print still bears a trust-value and quality that keeps it at the forefront.
Does print matter? Is print advertising dead? Do people still read magazines? Is print still relevant in the digital age? YES! Despite the amount of digital and online content and engagement that happens, print still bears a trust-value and quality that keeps it at the forefront.
In today’s digital world it’s easy to assume print advertising is dead. But print matters. Print advertising is still alive and working. Printed media is staying afloat despite negative predictions and skepticism around it. Even more, in some industries, it remains the number one marketing platform. If you want, proof, just read this
5 Tips for Making Print Advertising More Measurable
Print advertising can still be extremely valuable, especially in the manufacturing sector. Learn how to integrate your print advertising in trade publications with your digital campaigns to make them more measurable and improve your ROI.
5 Ways to Improve Your Brand’s Storytelling
Which native ad format best suits your needs? Here’s a handy guide to the five most common types of native ads being used today.
26 Relevant Print Marketing Statistics: 2022 Ad Spending & Impact
Print marketing is not dead. Its impact on consumer brand recall and purchase decision is worth considering, especially if you want to implement an integrated, multi-channel approach to your marketing strategy. This article on marketing trends and predictions can provide more insights on strategies you can use for your business or marketing clients.