Revived Morris Commercial Readies Electric Van
After a 50-year hiatus, Britain’s Morris Commercial is being relaunched as a maker of electric trucks.
After a 51-year hiatus, Britain’s Morris Commercial is being relaunched as a maker of electric trucks.

The new company, which was formed by a group of European investors, plans to introduce the retro-styled JE panel van in late 2021. A prototype model unveiled this week borrows styling cues—including a tall pear-shaped grille, split windshield and fender-mounted headlights—from the Morris J-Type van that was built between 1949 and 1961.
The 2.5-metric ton EV is capable of hauling 2,200 lbs in its 194-cu-ft cargo compartment, according to the carmaker. Morris says the truck’s 60-kWh battery will provide a 200-mile driving range. The unit can be charged to 80% capacity in 30 minutes.
The van will be built at an undisclosed U.K. site and priced at £60,000 ($77,000). Morris aims to sell about 1,000 of the vehicles per year.
The company also plans to use the modular platform to carry several other models. These include a pickup truck, camper van and MPV.
Created as an offshoot of Morris Motors in 1924, Morris Commercial Cars Ltd. produced a wide variety of vans, pickup trucks, taxis, emergency vehicles, buses, military vehicles, heavy trucks and tractors under various owners. The brand was disbanded in 1968 after British Motor Holding (Austin, Morris and Jaguar) merged with Leyland Motor Corp.
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2019 Honda Insight
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