
CMM for Large Part Throughput

Measuring machine can handle parts like those typical in powertrain


“Its development was prompted by customer requests for large inspection capacity enhanced with REVO-2’s latest sensors such as RVP video and SFP2 surface measurement,” explains Mark Gearding, vp of AIMS Metrology, talking about the company’s Summit 10.10.10, a coordinate measuring machine (CMM) that has offers at one-cubic-meter capacity and the ability to handle 2,200 kg (think: blocks, transmission housings).


(Image: AIMS)

The five-axis CMM not only handles large volume parts, but it has high throughput capability as it uses high-speed linear motors that also provide better positioning accuracy and require less maintenance than conventional belt-and-pulley mechanisms. The Renishaw REVO-2 provides measuring speeds up to 500 mm/second and data collection rates up to 4,000 points per second. Its cast polymer base provides better vibration resistance and thermal stability than granite-based machines.


Gardner Business Media - Strategic Business Solutions