16 Ways to Improve Your Website Conversion Rates
Are you looking for ways to improve the performance of your business website? Want to know the web design factors that will lower your bounce rate, and boost your conversions? This infographic outlines a range of key tips to get you thinking.
According to B2B Metric, "It can be easy for marketers to become obsessed with driving traffic, and put less focus on optimizing their site. But Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) should remain a key consideration - ensuring that you convert the traffic you drive to your site is integral to any campaign success." The team from B2B Metric shares their tips for website success in this infographic. Read more
High Quality Website Images Build Trust and Authority in Your Company and Brand
Your website does more than sell your products, services and your business — it also sells people on the reasons why they should do business with you. In a new video released by Google in January 2020, John Mueller explained how image search rankings work. The first tip was to provide high quality images. But, what is meant by “high quality?” And, why did Mueller put this tip first versus how to get “found” in image search?
Marketing: New World, New Rules — Think Fast
No matter what approach you use to evaluate your marketing, you have to be willing to act. If something is working, keep going. Things that sort of work may benefit from tweaking and further testing. If something fails out of the gate, abandon it — fast. It’s time for a new marketing scheme—one that is digital, agile and tested. We’ll focus on digital marketing and failing fast. Innovate, experiment, reevaluate, and repeat with these easy steps.
Your Media Representative – Feel the Love
Thank goodness I was taught to have a different attitude about space reps at my very first agency job out of college. Here are just some of the many things I’ve learned – and am still learning – from media representatives during my career in manufacturing marketing communications.