
AI for Marketing: What Comes Next

Marketers who look for artificial intelligence to provide fresh insights don’t always get what they want. Paul Talbot, Contributor, CMO Network, recently asked R. J. Talyor, Founder and CEO of Pattern89, an AI firm that helps marketers predict their campaigns’ performance, for his thoughts.


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Marketers who look for artificial intelligence to provide fresh insights don’t always get what they want. Insights are not always easy to categorize, let alone evaluate and implement. The result: patterns that may be intriguing but unprofitable to pursue. A quickly growing collection of ambiguities, gray areas, and information that demands deeper levels of analysis. Paul Talbot, Contributor, CMO Network, recently asked R. J. Talyor, Founder and CEO of Pattern89, an AI firm that helps marketers predict their campaigns’ performance, for his thoughts. Read more


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