Answer 6 Key Questions for B2B Sales Lead Success
Never lose sight of the importance of your sales lead generation and development processes. Leads are the life blood of your sales team and channel partners, so always remember to keep your lead program as healthy as possible. Here are six key questions you’ll need good answers to in order to have the best chance of being successful with your sales lead programs.

You’ve spent a great deal of time, effort and money putting together your business-to-business sales lead generation programs. But how you handle the leads once you get them will make the difference between a happy sales team and new customers, on the one hand, or an unhappy sales team and lost sales on the other. Here are six key questions you’ll need good answers to in order to have the best chance of being successful with your sales lead programs. Read more
Finding Opportunities in the Chaos
2020 has been a disruptive year, but one that will likely contribute to greater 3D printing adoption and more sustainable manufacturing. Stephanie Hendrixson, Senior Editor for Additive Manufacturing and Co-Host of The Cool Parts Show, writes about accelerating trends in AM and staying flexible in the face of a pandemic.
3 Major Trends in Manufacturing (And They All Begin with “A”)
Peter Zelinski, Editor-in-Chief of Additive Manufacturing and Modern Machine Shop, sees 3 big, major, long-term trends that continue to reshape manufacturing.
How to Write a B2B Marketing Email That Works
B2B copywriter David McGuire shares four tips to help stand out in a crowded inbox. He tries to stick to these four key principles when writing emails.