Facebook on Branding and Billions
As Facebook announces it's billionth user, it advises on the importance of weighting audience and brand impressions over clicks when considering ad effectiveness.
Recently, Mark Zuckerberg announced and commented on Facebook reaching one billion users. Much more interesting than Mr. Zuckerberg's brief note is the fact sheet that accompanies his commentary. You can download the fact sheet here to see characterisics of Facebook's billion users and see how those characteristics have progressed since 1997.
Forget the Clicks? Speaking of progressing, Facebook has announced that they'll be releasing data that illustrates the value of measuring ad effectiveness beyond just click rates. Instead of focusing solely on click rate as a the metric for success, Facebook data will examine the value of brand impression and audience relevancy. See Facebook's plan for brand advertising.
Marketing Messages That Cut Through The Noise
We’ve talked about customer journeys, emotional intelligence, and finding and retaining customers. You’ve tuned up your marketing messages. Now it’s time to decide where to place them, so customers tune in. In a world with endless channels of information, how do you become a source of knowledge — not noise? One step at a time.
Youth Movement in B2B Buyers Happening Faster Than You Think
Marketing has never been static. Times change, media consumption changes, people change. Buyer demographics have changed. In manufacturing purchases, the over-50 buyer still has considerable sway. But that’s changing. What’s important is understanding how the younger demographic use social media in buying decisions, to craft better marketing plans that get more return from online marketing investment. This content provides a broad-brush framework for thinking about, and crafting, a social media strategy, and explores “selling” a plan, with social components, to a C-Suite.
YouTube Marketing: What Marketers Need to Know
Looking for tips to generate leads and sales on YouTube? To explore YouTube for marketing, listen to this interview with Nick Nimmin on the Social Media Marketing Podcast. You’ll learn why you should consider YouTube over Facebook and discover a system for generating leads and sales with value-based videos on YouTube.