How Social Media Increases Brand Awareness
Social media has proven to be a key factor in creating brand awareness. This is because social media is a great platform for brands to maintain customer relationships, while also having the opportunity to be found by new leads. In fact, a lot of people learn about new brands because it was mentioned by a friend on social media. Let’s cover a few ways social media is used to build brand awareness.
We’re living in the world of social media marketing and every business knows the importance of social media. There are multiple ways to use social media for building brand awareness. And, the best part is, you can explore them all if you choose. Here are a few ways social media can supercharge your brand awareness. Read more
Brand Loyalty Is a Key to B2B Success
Spoiler Alert: Brand loyalty isn’t much different from Mom at the grocery store . . . and getting closer by the day. Brand loyalty is the backbone of B2B marketing and a key to B2B success. Here are thoughts on the value of B2B brand loyalty and how to build it today.
The QSP Trap and How Manufacturers Can Achieve Effective Brand Differentiation
Is your brand victim to the most common brand positioning trap that captures manufacturers? Find out and learn how to achieve effective brand differentiation in the process.
B2B Research: A Powerful Marketing Tool
The Gardner Business Media Industrial Buying Influence 2020 study findings can be used as a powerful marketing tool. The study provides demographic and psychographic details that help you better understand customers and prospects. We know knowledge is power and knowing how B2B industrial buying dynamics are changing is a key to successfully empowering your marketing.