
HR and Marketing Bring Brand Promises to Life

Enduring brands are built by people – not ads, clicks or views. Marketing has traditionally taken the lead in communicating the corporate brand promise, but when it comes to delivering on those promises, its people from all around the organization who have to do the work of successfully bringing the brand promise to life. And that’s why HR has a significant role to play in the process. Recognize and leverage the critical role employees play in enhancing and delivering the brand promise.
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Enduring brands are built by people – not ads, clicks or views. Marketing has traditionally taken the lead in communicating the corporate brand promise, but when it comes to delivering on those promises, its people from all around the organization who have to do the meticulous work of successfully bringing the brand promise to life. In fact, employees need to do many things (often behind the scenes) that are ‘on brand’ across dozens of customer touch points. Ultimately, it’s the organizational culture – ‘the way things are done around here’ – that becomes the true brand differentiator. And that’s precisely why HR has a significant role to play in the process. It’s time to recognize and leverage the critical role employees play in enhancing and delivering the brand promise. Read more


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