Technology Trends Every B2B Marketer Should Be Aware Of
This article covers five technology trends that you should be aware of in 2022. Getting hold of any or all of these would mean staying relevant and on top of the growing competition.
#videomarketing #brandbuilding
Every year with technological advancements, B2B marketers need to stay updated with ongoing market trends. Adopting such fast changes requires a keen eye, a quick mind, a dynamic approach, and awareness to adopt the best in B2B marketing. Everything boils down to accepting the change and repositioning your B2B brand with anything from personalization to artificial intelligence that helps you stay on top of the game. Brace yourselves for the new year by identifying the trend that can boost your business and swiftly adopting it. Read more
5 Ways to Improve Your Email Marketing Campaign
The enemy of email marketing is the full inbox. Information overload puts subscribers on the defensive and is a drag on open and click-through rates, often to the point where email campaign ROI goes underwater. Nevertheless, successful email marketing is possible. The 5 suggestions that follow will enable you to subdue the full inbox enemy, and improve results.
Create Lead Magnet Ideas That Grow Email Lists
Lead magnets is a marketing strategy that uses barter and trade principle. Data and contact information have become crucial for building an email database. Here are a few ideas on what constitutes a productive and effective lead magnet.
7 Important Email Marketing Tips for the B2B Marketer
It is difficult to make your audience notice your email let alone engage with it in the sea of emails all shouting for attention. So what can you do to make your emails stand out? There are many methods that have their own relative advantages and limitations. However, the following tips may help B2B marketers who want their emails to stand out above the rest.