
The Importance of Advertising Through an Economic Downturn

Someone once said “When times are good you should advertise. When times are bad you must advertise.” It may be a difficult road but, as they say, the only way out is through. Give in to the flight instinct, that is, run from the problem, and you may well be playing catchup for a long time . . . if you’re lucky.
#brandbuilding #economics


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Someone once said “When times are good you should advertise. When times are bad you must advertise.” This would sound like nothing more than a clever cliché if it were not for the clear, empirical evidence that it’s true. Take stock of the situation, stay calm and make rational decisions. Be careful with your spending, be targeted, be as efficient as you can. Be prepared to make smart tactical shifts where they are warranted, but only in service of the broader, long term goals. It may be a difficult road but, as they say, the only way out is through. Give in to the flight instinct, that is, run from the problem, and you may well be playing catchup for a long time . . . if you’re lucky. Read more


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