What You Need to Know About Native Advertising
Your target customers are elusive. They’re online all day and consume a lot of media, but how do you reach them with your media and your message? Native advertising can be a solution.
“Your audience doesn’t respond to traditional advertising in the way they used to do. But they respond to great stories,” says Jesper Laursen, CEO of the Native Advertising Institute. So what is another way to reach them with your media and your message? Native advertising can be a solution. Read more
The Not-So-Simple Act of Storytelling
The industries Gardner Business Media reports on grow and evolve constantly. New technologies emerge and change things and become part of the larger story almost constantly. Scott Francis, Editor-In-Chief, Products Finishing discusses the importance of asking questions, listening to the real experts who have devoted their lives to their work, and the role of storytelling in manufacturing.
Securing Career at Gardner Business Media—A Dream Come True
Eduardo Tovar, Editor-in-Chief, Modern Machine Shop Mexico discusses his dream come true of securing a job at Gardner Business Media. After hard work visiting associations, suppliers and key contacts in Mexico, a good readership was built and three key employees in sales, marketing and audience development were hired. Today, the team has 18 employees and Modern Machine Shop Mexico is the top magazine in Mexico in the metalworking and manufacturing sector.
49 Years at Plastics Technology, and How I Lived to Tell About It
I didn’t know it then, but a couple of lucky chances landed me a career at a single magazine. But there’s more to a satisfying work life than just work.