Improve the Quality of Your B2B Engagement
The pandemic has increased a need for digital transformation with the common purpose of adding value to the lives of their audiences through products, services or content.

A survey revealed that 96% of enterprise leaders agree that the pandemic has increased a need for digital transformation with the common purpose of adding value to the lives of their audiences through products, services or content. Depending on your brand and goals, improving engagement could mean: creating a frictionless pathway for communication, delivering strong content to customers, or providing a seamless experience from one digital touchpoint to another. Here are four ways to optimize the quality of your B2B engagement. Read more
Building a B2B Brand Starts with Stories, Not Standards
Want to make the shift from a product-focused to a purpose-driven brand? Then you need to get at the stories that matter most to shape your brand, and then get them into the hands and hearts of the people who matter most. Chris Schermer discusses how to start with the experience to develop truly complete and compelling brand experiences.
Marketing Mistakes Could Be Fatal to Manufacturing Companies
Although the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic is hitting service and travel industries the hardest, B2B manufacturers and industrial companies are not immune. And just as human patients with underlying issues are more susceptible to the pandemic, so are B2B companies with underlying financial, organizational and marketing issues. It’s time to acknowledge the marketing issues you have and get in front of them. Turn underlying B2B marketing problems into bonafide marketing differentiators. Here are four underlying marketing issues that could prove catastrophic to B2B manufacturers.
Brand vs. Product Advertising. What’s the Fuss?
Marketers have long debated the merits of brand vs. product advertising. In truth, there are reasons for both. The strategy depends on the marketing situation.