The Single Most Effective Marketing Tactic That Modern Marketers Ignore
Marketing is about people and that will never change, which is why word of mouth marketing is the single most powerful tactic in all of marketing.
Marketing is about people. Not algorithms. Not platforms. Not technology, tools or tricks. This simple truth is the key to all marketing, including the single most effective marketing tactic — word of mouth. Despite how much marketing changes, the people it is created for remain the same. Your marketing will only reach its full potential if it captures people’s attention and compels them to tell others. Read more
How to Write a B2B Marketing Email That Works
B2B copywriter David McGuire shares four tips to help stand out in a crowded inbox. He tries to stick to these four key principles when writing emails.
Improve Your Facebook Group Engagement
In this article, you’ll discover how to use three new Facebook Group features to engage your target audience and promote meaningful conversations.
Adopted into Manufacturing
Jeff Norgord, Marketing and Creative Director, Gardner Business Media, discusses his passion for all things design, advertising and manufacturing and how certain mediums were a precursor to his understanding of design that helped grow his fascination with the manufacturing industry. He wanted to learn how to create and build magazines. And that he did.