Mercedes Partners with Electric Scooter Company
Early next year Daimler AG’s Mercedes-Benz unit and Micro Scooter Ltd. will begin offering an electric scooter to be co-branded by both companies.
Early next year Daimler AG’s Mercedes-Benz unit and Micro Scooter Ltd. will begin offering an electric scooter to be co-branded by both companies.
The partners haven’t revealed technical details about the product. But they say the co-developed scooter will be marketed by Micro and Daimler’s EQ electric vehicle unit.
Micro also is developing a scooter with BMW AG. Due to launch this month, BMW’s €800 ($900) two-wheeler will have an 8-mile driving range and a top speed of 12 mph.
2019 Honda Insight
One of the things that rarely gets the amount of attention that it should in a typical “car review” is the fact that for a considerable amount of time drivers are not “getting on the throttle” because for a considerable number of drivers, they’re “dwelling on the binders,” a.k.a., sitting with their foot depressed on the brakes, perhaps lifting every now and then in order to nudge forward in traffic.
EV Truck & SUV That Aren’t Rivian
A closer look at what Bollinger Motors is developing
Ford Going Fast
Ford estimates that SUV sales could be half of all retail sales in the U.S. by 2020.