
Branding in the Age of Content Marketing

Buyers choose brands that they trust and respect. Trust is second only to price as a purchase driver. A brand’s impact on society is why trust has become more important. As younger decision-makers take control, this trend will become more pronounced. Spending time to clarify your messaging at the most elemental level and crafting a strategy to bring your unique purpose and point-of-difference to light across your internal and external communications is imperative for brands that want to lead.


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A brand’s impact on society is why trust has become more important. As younger decision-makers take control, this trend will become more pronounced. Brands that are driven by purpose and have a deep understanding of their point of difference have an advantage in the marketplace. Spending time to clarify your messaging at the most elemental level and crafting a strategy to bring your unique purpose and point-of-difference to light across your internal and external communications is imperative for brands that want to lead. Realize that your brand is the secondary beneficiary—the first is the reader/viewer/user. Read more


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