Seven tips for machining composite aerospace components
Machining composite materials is a dusty, arduous and abrasive process that is hard on cutting tools, requiring the right combination of strategies and know-how to properly navigate their dynamics.
Assembling the Multifunctional Fuselage Demonstrator: The final welds
Building the all-thermoplastic composite fuselage demonstrator comes to an end with continuous ultrasonic welding of the RH longitudinal fuselage joint and resistance welding for coupling of the fuselage frames across the upper and lower halves.
Carbeon C/C-SiC ceramic matrix composites without fiber coating
Dutch startup Arceon is working with leaders in space, hypersonics and industry to test its Carbeon CMC, validating near-net-shape parts with <3% porosity and performance at 1600ºC, targeting UHTCMC and a presence in the U.S. in 2025.