Where B2B Creative Goes to Die

There’s a creative execution graveyard out there. It takes creative impact to engage the B2B buyer and decision maker. You have two choices to overcome the graveyard blues. You can either repeat your messages over and over again until they finally sink in. Or you can say them in such a fresh, surprising and relevant way that people simply can’t forget them.

3 Reasons Your Website Isn’t a Brochure

A brochure isn’t a website. A website isn’t a brochure. One, a brochure is paper. Two, it’s static – meaning, it doesn’t change. And three, you can’t do anything with it. A website isn’t a brochure for other reasons as well – and these reasons have to do with the web itself.

5 Advantages of Print Advertising

Print is not dead. In fact, there are numerous advantages to using print advertising, in addition to your online initiatives. Print has some characteristics that the web simply cannot match. Here are five advantages that print advertising has, even in the era of online everything.

Where B2B is Going | #BMA14 Recap in 5 Bullets

The Business Marketing Association conference (BMA14) event brought together more than 1,000 of the world’s leading B2B marketers to discuss the latest trends in B2B marketing. This year’s roster of speakers and panelists read as a veritable “who’s who” of marketing, including the CMOs of GE, Facebook, Emerson, LinkedIn and many more thought leaders. It’s critical that B2B marketers begin to act on the trends now. Here is Margaret Molloy’s take on the hottest conversation topics in five simple bullets.

Stop Doing These 5 Things (on your blog) NOW!

Are the social sharing buttons on your blog post easy to find? Do you make people work to post comments? Have you optimized for mobile? Are you acknowledging or responding to blog comments? Are you being more human with all of your marketing content including photos? If you haven’t addressed these issues, you need to do so NOW!

So, what is Marketing Communications? Things Younger Communicators Need to Know

A couple of decades ago, the term “marketing communications” came into vogue to describe what had traditionally been called “advertising.” Advertising was descriptive of selling messages delivered via traditional media, like TV, radio, publications, direct mail and the like. But, with the advent of the web, email and social media, marketing communications is a better way to describe the creation and delivery of messages designed to get us to buy something.

See Where Business-to-Business Is Going!

In 48 hours, you will hear from nearly 100 authorities about the latest in b2b marketing trends, thinking, research, best practices, technologies and tools. And you will have opportunities to get to know and learn from 900 fellow b2b marketers from 400+ companies, 40 states and 10 nations.

The Real Marketing Revolution -- It’s All About Turning Customers Into Marketers

If you sense that there’s something wrong with today’s marketing, you’re right. No matter how it’s camouflaged, marketing is about selling something. And that won’t work today. This article explains why trying to sell products, services and even ideas is out — and why creating customer ambassadors is the only effective long-term marketing strategy.

2014 Social Media Use in the Industrial Sector

Results from IHS GlobalSpec's annual survey of technical professionals and their use of social media are now available. While many larger studies have been conducted on social media and B2B marketing, this research is specifically focused on the manufacturing and engineering communities. This research report will help you understand how your target audience uses social media. It will recommend ways you can best use social media as part of your marketing strategy to connect with customers and prospects and meet your marketing objectives.

There Oughta Be A Law

Some B2B marketers have this need to create ads that are basically spec sheets, brochures that are instruction manuals and corporate videos that run on like a biblical epic. The ad, brochure and video are loaded with all kinds of details and information that marketers feel the buyer just has to know -- now. My guess is this kind of information dump causes the print ad to get skipped over, the brochure relegated to the circular file very quickly and the video paused forever at the 1:39 marker by the B2B buyer.

Branded Content Format that Will Rule in 2014

Marketing strategies, publishing partners -- everything's up for debate as we gage where to focus our branded content energies in the months to come. We know that investments in social media are on the rise, but how will that play out? Learn more about three branded content formats to watch in 2014.

Going from Good to Great Marketing: Leading and Managing Change

Now more than ever before marketing is being seen as a revenue driver and marketers are finding that they now have a seat at the C suite table. But where do you start? Forrester presented with Marketo CMO Sanjay Dholakia and brought up a number of points about how to transform your organization to match the pace of today’s marketer.