Optimizing Twitter for Lead Generation

Think of Twitter as the water cooler for B2B marketing professionals: It’s a vibrant community where businesses can prospect leads and congregate as thought leaders to discuss relevant industry topics. B2B marketers are always striving to provide good content in an easily digestible and timely format. On Twitter, it is easy to quickly compose Tweets and messages aimed at those interested in your company or product.

Why Print Ads Still Work

“What was the rating and share for our spot in ‘Ally McBeal’ last night?” “How does the circulation of Forbes compare to Fortune?” These were the types of questions once asked of media professionals. And truth be told, they were pretty easy to answer. Today, however, the questions have changed significantly, especially in the B2B space.

Am I Wordy or Loquacious?

I’ll admit it.  I’m wordy.  Loquacious, one might say.  But why would one say loquacious when one could say wordy?  Do I sound smarter and more worldly when using a big word when a small word will do?  I think, as marketers, we should all ask ourselves this question when we’re writing copy.   

Content Marketing

Parlez-Vous Customer: How Well Do You Speak Your Customer’s Language?

They pay your salary and make your job possible. Your business cannot exist without them. But can you honestly say that you are a customer-focused organization? Do you speak and truly understand their language.

Social Media Marketing

B2B Marketing Ideas

Business-to-business, or B2B, products and services are a slightly different animal when it comes to marketing. Traditional means of marketing like cold calling and direct mail are not as effective. However, marketing to businesses is not impossible. With a few out-of-the-box tactics, like social networking and email marketing, you can still generate some rewarding results. Here is a list of a few ideas: Email Marketing, Search Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and Blogging.

2013 Resolutions

By: Jessica Jeffries, Marketing Manager, Gardner Business Media, Inc

Happy 2013!If you are like me (and millions of others), every year you make New Year’s resolutions.  In 2013, my husband and I resolve to live our lives more and have more fun.

Content Marketing

The Three Biggest B2B Website Mistakes

Today’s B2B website is a living, breathing, dynamic marketing asset. Because the website is so important, B2B marketers and business owners really need to ensure that their sites are up to snuff before beginning a social media campaign or developing a content strategy. Avoid these three huge mistakes to help you increase sales.

Content Marketing

Seven Rules to Cultivate Deep Mobile Relationships

Let these seven strategies be your guide for developing engaging and effective push notifications that will keep customers looking forward to the content and coming back for more.

Content Marketing

What Is Brand Equity and Why You Should Care

Branding is a fancy term for the process of understanding what your customers care about most when they buy, and aligning your actions and communications with those customer values that make you unique. When done well, this process can create tremendous financial value. Brands have the power to transform companies. But only if they are based on understanding and delivering customer value.

Web and Digital Marketing

Honing System Resurfaces Cylinders to Cat Specifications

Until the economy and the coal industry around the region of Corbin, Kentucky strengthen significantly, simple economics dictate that companies are going to rebuild hydraulic

Principles for Good Ads

Try to see your ad as a reader sees it for the first time. Avoid analyzing an ad too much. Readers won’t take that much time. A second opinion will help you avoid heaps of trouble. An independent, professional evaluation of an ad concept will catch those mistakes and omissions you may be too blind to see.

Content Marketing

Infomania - This "Can't-Say-No" Malady Muddles Marketing

By: John Favalo, CBC, Managing Partner , Eric Mower + Associates

Oftentimes, information gets in the way of techniques that build trust and advocacy. Do you want higher performance from your marketing communications? Do you want more clarity, more value delivery? Do you want your audiences to think and act as you’d like them to? Then either keep the work away from the Infomaniacs, or cure the disease. Here’s the medicine that will do the trick in four doses