Don’t Do This at Work: 5 Missteps That Trip up Your Marketing Success

There are certain things that everybody knows you shouldn’t do. But, when it comes to business marketing campaigns, the faux pas aren’t always quite as obvious. So here’s a 5-point ALOTTA – A List Of Things To Avoid – to ensure that what you do is on target with getting your prospects to respond the way you want them to.

Increase Content Marketing Success with Helpful Headline Tips and Tools

Don’t let a boring, weak, or ill-conceived title derail the success of your carefully crafted content. Try a few of these tips and tools that may make it easier to generate unique headlines, evaluate their performance, and ensure that your content is attracting the massive audience it deserves.

Why 'Smarketing,' or Integrated Sales-and-Marketing Strategy, Is the Future for Small Business

HubSpot coined the term “smarketing,” which captures the notion of an integrated sales and marketing strategy. Marketing and sales have the same goal: increase revenue. It’s time for the two divisions to come together, make agreements on how each department can help the other and create a culture of honesty and transparency. The technology to do this is readily available. Now, it’s high time that these people and processes step up and adapt to the changing B2B market.

Content Marketing Needs the Full 360°

Why Buyer Personas and Buyer Journeys Are Only Half of the Full Picture. As more and more B2B buyers have started to demand content before making a purchase (on average, consumers now engage with more than 11 pieces of content before ever making a purchase ), content marketing has become a huge player
in the B2B marketing world. Consequently, B2B companies are learning the power of good, relevant content when it comes to closing a sale. They’re analyzing the Buyer Journey to determine what kind of content their audience needs as they work their way down the sales funnel. Some companies are even making content for a specific audience based on Buyer Personas.

The Top 11 Mistakes Your B2B Website Should Avoid

55 percent of readers stay on a web page for less than 15 seconds.

Forrester Analyst Says Relationships Are the 'Key Thing' in B-to-B

Laura Ramos, VP-principal analyst at Forrester Research, conducts research on b-to-b marketing topics and consults Forrester's CMO clients on planning and developing b-to-b marketing programs across traditional and online media. Ad Age interviewed Ms. Ramos at BMA15, the annual conference of the Business Marketing Association, to get her views on the top takeaways from the conference and the leading trends in b-to-b marketing.

8 Things Your Website Needs to Increase Traffic and Sales

If you’ve been scratching your head trying to understand why your website isn’t getting much traffic, keeping visitors’ attention or converting visits to actual sales, here are the eight most common “missing links” from Wendy Burt, Contributing Author for Verticalresponse, in website design, development and promotion, including tools to help you bridge the gaps and finally see some returns from your online presence.

The Six Dirty Words of Marketing

The Six Dirty Words of Marketing can destroy the best marketing plans especially when the target market is illusive. Here’s an approach that defuses their destructive power.

Trade Print Gains New Traction in B2B

There’s new thinking in the halls of B2B publishers. Revisiting the print vs. digital world.

Gardner’s Media Usage in Manufacturing 2014 – Part 6: Social Media; a Dichotomy of Perceptions

Insights: Social Media: Buyer and Seller May Be On Different Pages It’s said knowledge is power . . . never truer than in the “Information Age.” The final post in a series discussing Gardner Business Media’s research study, Media Usage in Manufacturing 2014 and what it might mean to the B2B marketer.

Easier Said than Done – Closing Sales Means Making Sense to Customers

Easier Said than Done – Closing Sales Means Making Sense to Customers

10 Best Practices for Better B2B Website Experience

Here are some ideas about how you can apply 10 Jakob Nielsen Usability Heuristics to lead generation websites. These will help reduce friction and keep your buyers focused on the message you are trying to convey, as opposed to getting distracted or confused by a deficient or incomplete interface.