11 Reasons Why Your Website Doesn’t Sell

A well-designed website organically grows a company's business and reinforces branding. A study by Nielsen Norman Group found that users stay on a website for an average of 10 to 20 seconds. Visitors hang around longer only if they find something worthwhile during those initial glances. For a business, every second counts. Several factors may strip a website of value. Here are 11 problems that affect a site’s presentation alongside fixes to immediately apply to help drive greater user engagement and better traffic.

Users Don’t Want You on Their Mobile Device — Until They Do

The mobile device market will continue to explode, but marketers need to look before they leap. Less than a year ago, marketers were clamoring to develop apps for client brands that wanted to own a space on the consumer’s device. This proved difficult, and large amounts of money were spent on developing and marketing applications that in the end received very few downloads.

Made You Look! Your Ad Spend is Much More Effective with a Solid, Creative “Hook”

Can't make your message meaningful to customers today? Sometimes, your marketing messages don't have the impact you want. Are you trying to connect with customers emotionally … or just feeding them the party line?

Six SEO Myths you Need to Know

You probably agree that the world of SEO is confusing and frustrating. With Google constantly changing, updating and tweaking its algorithms, it’s no wonder there’s a lack of clarity. Not to mention the tons of misinformation published online by self-proclaimed “SEO gurus,” which only add to the mass confusion. Listening to them can do some serious damage to your site. So here is a Q&A that looks at the six most common myths on how Google ranks sties.

The Six Dirty Words that Soil and Spoil your Marketing Plans

Just when you think your breakthrough product will be scooped up like bread before a blizzard – bang – you’re blindsided by inexplicable resistance. When a product delivers big bennies…why? It’s because your buyers are whispering those Six Dirty Words. Here’s how to erase them from your marketing vocabulary and get the adoption that a great new product deserves.

Aligning Human Resources and Marketing to Strengthen Brand Experience

Today’s business leaders understand the ongoing challenge of aligning historically siloed departments within their organization. Transparency between departments has evolved from an innovative concept to a corporate imperative.

Engage, Educate, Excite, Evangelize: 4 Keys To Social Media

Social media has given customers the opportunity to share their voice, whether it’s to promote or complain. They are constantly connected and you need to listen to the conversations.

B2B Communications Planning in the Digital Age

It’s September and, as a Marketing or Communications Manager for your enterprise, you’re probably about to sit down, roll up the proverbial sleeves and craft your 2015 plan. Trouble is, for every year we push further into the 21st century, the more complex the process becomes. IMC helps you evaluate every option. It can point you to the strategic “keepers” and eliminate probable “weepers.” IMC, in the sense of detailing media preference and message relevance, may reveal some “sleepers” that can add to success.

Why Marketing Advice for Small Industrial Manufacturers Needs to Change

Small industrial firms create new markets, new products and new ways of doing things — often with very little fan-fare.

Why Press Releases are Important in Industrial Marketing

Writing and distributing press releases should be part of every industrial company’s marketing and communications strategy.

The Best of the Email Swipe File 2014: 20 Inspiring Campaigns + 5 Critical Trends

Customers don't sit still and neither should your marketing designs.

SEO As a Marketing Strategy

SEO could mean cost savings and Some Extended Opportunities for your marketing budget. This article is about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as a strategy for small to medium sized business to get your site to show up effectively in searches. While the process is not simple, it can be executed on a do-it-yourself basis, saving considerable money … money you can invest in other marketing communications tactics, like print advertising, collateral material, trade shows and the like.