Email Marketing

Use Concise Email Design to Improve Campaign Results

To improve the effectiveness of your emails it is important to not overwhelm users with choice and to not include any content with duplicate links. This concise approach to email design will not only improve the results of your campaigns but also reduce the time it takes to create them.

Marketing - General

Marketing Planning Process Saves Time and Improves Results

By: Laura Patterson, President and Founder, VisionEdge Marketing

Some marketing plans are far better than others. What is the defining success factor? It isn’t the data, the plan format, or the planning software that distinguishes them. It is the process. No matter the company or industry, here’s what’s common in the planning process employed by companies who develop Marketing plans that are salient, relevant, measurable and accepted.

Are You Creating Customers Or Just Selling?

As we get started in a new year, we assume you are looking to grow your top line revenue. Many talk about creating a sales process that supports your customer’s buying process. We have been advocates of that idea since our inception and first published on it in 2002. This content is focused on creating customers rather than just selling.

Tips to Help Increase the Number of Qualified Industrial Sales Leads and B2B Sales Leads

Looking for ways to lower the cost of acquisition of new customers while trying to increase the amount of value you can provide to existing customers to reduce customer attrition? These nine tips explain the marketing pull industrial sales lead generation methodology that can be implemented to achieve both goals when it comes to sales lead generation.

Email Marketing

19 Simple Email Marketing Tips to Improve Your Email Open and Clickthrough Rates

Practicing good inbound marketing means sending emails to people who actually want to hear from you. Your emails might still end up getting lost in the inbox clutter or spam folder. When someone actually opens your email, they don’t actually click through. Here are tips you can implement to improve the open rates, clickthrough rates, and lead generation.

Content Marketing

3 Keys to Breakthrough Messages

By: George Stenitzer, Chief Content Officer, Crystal Clear Communications

To create your breakthrough message, bring your audience the right-sized message, the right message structure, and a story about their unconsidered needs. That’s how you can make your message so powerful, it breaks through to customers.

Print Marketing

10 Killer Reasons Why You Should Be Using Print

Contrary to the heralded demise of print, it's alive and kicking. And, according to these media experts, it's here to stay. Many of the brands that abandoned their print products during the recession have been clambering back into the world of ink on paper. Why? Because it works. Print increases engagement, drives sales and cements relationships.

Content Marketing

Making Industrial Content Marketing Engaging for Engineers and Industrial Buyers

Industrial content marketing is facing a big challenge because manufacturers are struggling to make it more engaging for their target audience. They can’t quite connect the dots when it comes to measuring its effectiveness in driving sales. Consider these findings from the 2016 B2B Manufacturing Content Marketing Trends — North America: Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs.

Email Marketing

Shocking Myths About Subject Lines

Subject lines are the most written about email marketing element — and they’re the most misunderstood. The internet is full of bad subject line advice that gets endlessly echoed until it has the ring of truth to it. Here are six myths about subject lines that you may believe are true.

Web and Digital Marketing

39 Easy Website Improvements to Create a Better User Experience

There are two kinds of website improvement projects: Create a new website. Or tackle small, but meaningful tasks one at a time, over time, on a regular basis. Here is a list of ideas for refining your website, so visitors are quietly and smoothly swept deeper into it.

Calculating Marketing ROI in a Complicated Landscape

Demonstrable ROI is the ante to get marketing a seat at the big table in the C Suite. But how do we calculate it in a world of proliferating marketing channels?

Web and Digital Marketing

Why Three Huge Google Changes Should Make You Reconsider Print Ads

With all the changes Google is making, relying on SEO as your prime lead generation tactic can become a scary proposition. To ensure you build brand awareness and inquiries across multiple channels, it pays to have a diverse marketing mix, one that includes print ads.